get obsessed with tech blogging


Tech Blogging can be a powerful tool, and we shall be covering the pros & cons of tech blogging in this article. Let’s get started.

There are times where you need to change the habit of doing something you love for free. This pattern is often observed in writers and bloggers. Some bloggers generate amazing content, but they fall behind on the Reach as they do not have an understanding of how the internet works. Influencer market has changed a lot in the last decade. This often leads to disappointment as there is lesser validation from the people on the net. Tech blogging is a solution to this.


Blogging can be a powerful tool if you know how to use it. It’s almost like starting a business, you have an amazing product? Then you have got to market it as well.
Tech blogging simply allows you to market your content on the net – as simple as that!
With tools like Google Analytics, you could track the interaction with your audience, monetize your content and generate content according to the popularity of previous posts. 


You could start by writing anything – literally!
People often just think that they do not know how to write or wonder what they could write about, but this isn’t the codified literary world. So, anyone who knows how to use a computer can Blog. The technical part begins when you learn how to blog.

Firstly, you need to post a blog. Be it a day in your office’s life or how the technologies used in your company is impacting the overall revenue. It could be anything that you know a lot about, or you want to learn a lot about.

Then keep generating content. The more blogs you write the faster you could maintain a record of who likes what and what kind of content you need to create to expand your reach.

Once you have cleared this path, you could monetize your content and give some value to your time and effort, but remember, this could take a while. Until then, keep writing and creating content for the fun of it.


1. Research! It is the most crucial part of being a tech blogger. In the long term, this could help you to be a successful one. Get your facts right and know what kind of audience are reading what.

2. Do not use click-baits. It is a dirty habit in the blogging world. Generate content that is worth the reader’s time and don’t be a fraud.

3. Have fun. Write about what excites you as a person and don’t get too stuck in making it a long and boring post.

4. Edit and Proofread. This is just a personal opinion.


Just because it’s smart and adds value to your work. Yes, you make money out of it, but it does so much more.

1. It is a record of your activities.
Recruiters these days will not solely depend on a resume of a page. They will also look into what you like and what you do through your tech blogs, hence adding to your social score.

Who knows? Maybe a blog that you wrote on a classification problem that you solved through one of the Kaggle contests could win you a job one day!

2. It’s better than not doing it.
If you are going to create content, you might as well market it to an audience and gain some experience in the world of internet. As the world evolves, we need to keep up with it. When almost half the population is going to be on the internet, people have to realize that is where we are going to find our audience that we have been dying to reach. We can use Tech blogging as an opportunity to grow.

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